How to Create a Vision Board to Achieve Your Goals

I can’t believe 2022 is upon us! And that we are already a month in! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are settling well into the new year!

The start of a new year often brings me a renewed sense of hope and optimism. And with that, the motivation to set, plan and achieve goals.

How many of you have already set your goals for 2022? Perhaps as part of your new year resolutions or a mental note to work towards? How many are just cruising to see what 2022 brings?

Now, of the people who have set their goals, how many have already failed? 

If you have, that is totally fine. I may have eaten burgers 2 days in a row last week…oops! It does not make you (or I) a bad or failure of a person. It just means we have to work harder, set our mind to it and remember why we set that goal in the first place.  Like Mr Thomas H. Palmer’s famous words, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” Don’t give up!

A really fun way I like to keep myself goals focused is through a wonderful tool known as “vision board”.

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a board that visually displays a collage of words and images, which reflects one’s goals and aspirations.

Photo by Ella Jardim on Unsplash

Why Make a Vision Board?

  1. It forces you to spend time to self-reflect, determine and give focus to what you want for yourself, where you want to be and what you want to achieve.
  2. It allows you to visualise those goals and brings them to life (and hopefully motivates you to make them a reality!).
  3. When placed in a visible setting, it serves as a daily visual reminder of your goals and aspirations to (hopefully) keep you on track.
  4. It’s fun! How often do we get to be creative nowadays to do a bit of art and craft?
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

How to make a Vision Board?

A vision board is what you make of it. It’s made by you, for YOU!

What you will need:

  • Cork board
  • White paper to line you board
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Magazines

Where do I start?

  1. Set the mood. Have a clean space where you can work and put on your favourite feel good Spotify playlist.
  2. Think about your goals in life – both short and long term – and write them down on a piece of paper. Where do you want to be? What do you want to achieve? Your aspirations can relate to anything from personal growth, career, relationships, money, health and fitness to travel bucket list destinations.
  3. Gather inspirational images, quotes and sayings which represent your goals. This can be from magazines or online (e.g. Google, Pinterest).
  4. Cover your cork board with white paper to provide a base for your images to stick to.
  5. Arrange and glue down your images, quotes and saying into an aesthetically pleasing collage (to encourage you to look at it often). Refer to Pinterest for ideas if you’re stuck!
  6. Leave it to dry and place in a clearly visible location

I hope this post has inspired you to strive for your goals in 2022 and provided focus to keep you on track.

Let me know what your goals for 2022 are in the comment section below and if you made a vision board after reading this post!

Best of luck #goaldiggers!

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  1. Lovely and a very good idea to have something visual that will remind us of why we wake up and work. =)

  2. We created our first vision board last year and I am happy to say that we have already crossed some really big goals and have since added some new ones. The process itself is powerful and keeps us focused on creating the life of our dreams. Thanks for sharing.